실시간 뉴스
  • Air Force seeks name for fighter jet
A poster for an open competition seeking names for the new KF-X fighter jet. (South Korea’s Air Force)
South Korea’s Air Force is looking for a name for its next-generation fighter jet, known by the project name KF-X.

Citizens can submit one candidate name each by the end of this month, and three winners will receive the Air Force Chief’s recognition awards and model aircraft.

The KF-X project is the largest undertaking ever by the Korean military, with some $15 billion earmarked for investment until production. The prototype will be released early next year, with another five years of test flights through 2026.

Entries for the naming competition can be made by scanning the QR code on the Air Force’s poster for the project.

By Choi Si-young (siyoungchoi@heraldcorp.com)
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