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  • [Newsmaker] N. Korea slams S. Korea for ‘serving’ US
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (center) inspects flood relief in Kangwon Province, Oct. 2, 2020. (Yonhap)
A North Korean propaganda outlet slammed South Korea on Monday for “serving” the US in a display of servility, saying Washington is returning only complications on ongoing disputes with Seoul.

“Ranking officials in Seoul have paid numerous visits to Washington since October. … Their alliance is a combination of subjugation and subordination where Seoul is held hostage,” the propaganda outlet Maeari said, referring to the prolonged disputes over defense costs-sharing talks, for example.

Seoul’s defense minister and vice foreign minister, along with other key security officials, have recently met with their US counterparts and discussed issues involving North Korean denuclearization, South Korea’s transfer of wartime role and the upkeep of 28,500 American soldiers here.

Inter-Korean ties remain sour, with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un staying silent on President Moon Jae-in’s suggestion they work together for a declaration to end the 1950-53 Korean War. The two Koreas are technically still at war, without a peace treaty.

Instead, leader Kim has recently paid tribute to the Chinese war dead, lauding their contribution. During the war, China fought alongside North Korea against South Korea and the US-led UN coalition.

Kim is seen cozying up to Chinese President Xi Jin-ping, as Beijing gears up to realign its interests and allies in face of an escalating rivalry with Washington.

By Choi Si-young (siyoungchoi@heraldcorp.com)
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