실시간 뉴스
  • Defense Ministry to reveal latest technologies at expo
Advanced combat uniforms are shown at a National Assembly forum held to discuss latest military equipment, Nov. 11, 2020. (Yonhap)
The Ministry of National Defense said Monday it will showcase its latest defense technologies at an intergovernmental innovation expo held online from Tuesday to Dec. 3.

Other ministries as well as state-run firms and municipalities are joining the event to share their achievements that have helped better people’s lives.

The Army will reveal next-generation military equipment, including advanced combat uniforms. The uniforms are expected to be delivered to soldiers by 2024.

The Navy is expected to show advanced battleships and communication systems that have been in development for years under the project name “Smart Battleship and Operations.”

The Air Force will display the latest technologies it has incorporated into its wing group. Newer airfields and drones are set to be introduced in detail.

“We’ll continue to work to introduce advanced technologies our people can truly appreciate,” the Defense Ministry said.

Anyone interested in the expo can watch the event live and ask questions at www.innoexpo.kr.

By Choi Si-young (siyoungchoi@heraldcorp.com)
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