진행자: 김혜연, Chelsea Proctor
(642) At this Starbucks, you need ID: Franchise opens store with view of North Korea
기사 요약: 민간인 출입이 제한된 DMZ 인근에 위치한 스타벅스 김포애기봉생태공원점
[1] South Koreans can now sip their Starbucks while taking in the rarest of views -- the shadowy realm of a forbidden land, North Korea. At a just-opened store, with seating for around 40 patrons, the glass walls frame panoramic vistas of Kaepung-gun and Songaksan in the North Korean city of Kaesong.
forbidden 금지된
patron (특정 상점·식당 등의) 고객
vista (아름다운) 경치, 풍경
[2] It is located within the Jogang Observatory in the South Korean border city of Gimpo, part of the 154-meter-high Aegibong Peace Ecopark. This vantage point lies just 1.4 kilometers from the North, with the Jo River separating the two Koreas.
border city 국경도시
vantage (무엇을 지켜보기에) 좋은, 유리한 위치
[3] Baek Hye-soo, a Gimpo resident in her 40s, came early for a morning coffee on Friday, becoming the very first customer on its opening day. "I feel like I could swim to the other side of the river between these two lands,” she said. “This isn’t just another Starbucks launch. It’s infused with a sense of historical weight.”
launch 시작[개시/착수]하다
infused 스미다[영향을 미치다]
[4] With a line of visitors waiting outside and baristas hustling to keep up with the demand, a family of three -- parents in their 40s and their 7-year-old daughter -- managed to snag a round table. "It hits differently that my little daughter can see North Korea from such a familiar and comfortable place like Starbucks," said the mother, surnamed Kim.
hustling 혼찹한, 분주한
snag (흔히 다른 사람보다 먼저) 잡아[낚아]채다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241129050087
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638