Articles by Kim Arin
Kim Arin
[단독] 방산 협력업체 대상 기술 유출 시도 ‘5년래 최다’
[코리아헤럴드=김아린 기자] 올해 방위산업 협력업체들을 대상으로 한 기술 유출 시도 건수가 벌써 작년 건수의 세 배가 넘는 것으로 확인됐다. 14일 임종득 국민의힘 의원이 방위사업청에서 받은 자료에 따르면, 올해 1~8월 방산 협력업체들에 대한 기술 유출 시도는 19건에 달했다. 이는 지난해 전체 시도 건수인 6건보다 세 배 넘게 많은 수치다. 2022년 12건, 2021년 16건, 2020년 3건 등 최근 5년을 통틀어 가장 많았다. 2020년부터 올해 8월까지 집계된 기술 유출 시도 건수는 총 56건으로 이 중 사이버 공격으로 인한 유출이 29건인 것으로 나타났다. 방산업체의 보안 관리 실태를 확인하는 ‘정부합동 방산기술보호 통합실태조사’ 결과를 보면, 기업의 크기와 관계 없이 보안을 전담하는 인력이 부족한 것으로 드러났다. 올해 기준 방산 대기업 18개사의 방산업무 종사자 총 18,043명 가운데 기술보호 업무를 포함한 보안 업무 담당자는 124명으로 0.
한국어판 Oct. 15, 2024
[Exclusive] South Korean defense companies lacking cyber security workforce
Even South Korea’s largest defense companies do not have adequate cyber security workforce in place, and their contractors exempt from government monitoring, leaving loopholes for cyber threats, Rep. Lim Jong-deuk said Monday, citing Defense Acquisition Program Administration data. According to DAPA data submitted to Lim’s office, as of this year, just 0.6 percent or 124 of 18,043 defense-related employees across 18 largest defense companies in South Korea were in charge of cyber sec
Politics Oct. 14, 2024
Border tensions heighten as North Korea builds up drone incursion claims
The South Korean military is closely watching developments and making necessary preparations in response to the North Korean military ordering its troops near the border to be prepared to open fire. Col. Lee Sung-jun, the South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff spokesperson, told reporters Monday that the South Korean military is “prepared for any actual provocation.” ”The responsibility for current circumstances lies entirely with North Korea, and we strongly warn them to stop wit
Defense Oct. 14, 2024
South Korean military has ‘nothing to confirm’ on North Korea preparing border artillery corps to shoot
The South Korean military said Sunday it has “nothing to confirm” regarding North Korea claiming to have ordered its artillery corps near the shared border to fully prepare to shoot. “The military has nothing to confirm,” a South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff official told The Korea Herald. North Korea’s defense ministry said in a statement releases through the state Korean Central News Agency that it has put “fully armed” artillery corps along the border
Defense Oct. 13, 2024
No South Korean military drone entered Pyongyang skies: JCS
No South Korean military unmanned aerial vehicle has entered North Korean skies, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said Friday in response to North Korean Foreign Ministry claims of such infiltration into Pyongyang. “The South Korean military has not sent any UAVs or flyers. We don’t know yet if a civilian drone flew in,” an official from the South’s JCS told The Korea Herald. In a statement, the North’s Foreign Ministry claimed that South Korean UAVs had flown
Defense Oct. 11, 2024
North Korean man crosses sea boundary to escape to South
A North Korean escaped to the South last month despite Pyongyang closing inter-Korean paths and fortifying areas around the line dividing the Korean Peninsula. According to the South Korean military on Friday, a North Korean man crossed the maritime boundary in the sea west of the country on a small wooden boat in the early hours of Sept. 17. The South Korean military said it captured the man sailing by himself after guiding him over to the south of the boundary. This marks the third known North
North Korea Oct. 11, 2024
North Korea already cut off inter-Korean roads in Aug.: JCS chief
North Korea has already blocked the inter-Korean passages under leader Kim Jong-un’s instructions, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff chief Adm. Kim Myung-soo said Thursday. The South’s JCS chairman was responding to National Assembly questions about the announcement by the North Korean army on Wednesday that the reclusive regime planned to cut off all roads and railways leading to South Korea and build fortifications in the border areas. “North Korea began closing off
Defense Oct. 10, 2024
North Korea notifies UN Command of plans to fortify border with South
The North Korean Army has informed the United Nations Command of plans to fortify the shared border with the South, Seoul defense authorities said Wednesday, confirming a Pyongyang state agency report earlier the same day. The General Staff of the Korean People’s Army said it would completely cut off roads and railways connecting to South Korea and build fortifications along the border in a statement carried by the Korean Central News Agency on Wednesday. The KPA said it had communicated t
North Korea Oct. 9, 2024
North Korean troops killed, wounded in Ukraine war: Seoul defense minister
South Korea’s national defense minister on Tuesday said North Korean troops appear to have been killed or wounded in Russia’s war on Ukraine. Minister of National Defense Kim Yong-hyun told lawmakers on this day that reports of North Korean troop casualties in the Ukraine war are believed to be true based on the ministry’s findings. He was speaking about a report in the Ukrainian news agency Kyiv Post that six North Korean officers were among those killed by a missile strike in
Defense Oct. 8, 2024
[Exclusive] Youth shun military academy as armed forces lose luster
South Korea’s once prestigious military academies are fast losing appeal for potential candidates, with about two in three applicants dropping out despite qualifying for final interviews this year. Despite an increase in applicants to academies of all three armed services over the first three years of Yoon Suk Yeol’s administration in 2022-24, the steep rise in dropout rates during the admissions process reveals the underlying challenges the South Korean military faces recruiting for
Politics Oct. 7, 2024
[단독] 육해공사 필기 합격자 10명 중 7명이 면접 안 갔다
[코리아헤럴드=김아린 기자] 육·해·공군사관학교 필기 시험에 합격하고도 면접 응시를 포기하는 비율이 윤석열 정부 들어 뚜렷한 상승세를 보인 것으로 확인됐다. 올해 육해공사 1차 필기 시험 합격자 중 면접 등 2차 시험에 응시하지 않은 인원이 10명 중 7명을 넘어섰다. 병사 월급이 인상되고 초급 간부와의 급여 격차가 크게 줄어들면서 장교 복무 선호도가 떨어진 여파로 분석된다. 7일 국방부가 박선원 더불어민주당 의원실에 제출한 ‘최근 3년 사관학교 응시율’ 자료에 따르면, 올해 육군사관학교 1차 합격자 3,471명 중 2차 응시 인원은 780명에 불과했다. 응시를 포기하는 비율이 2022년 60.1%, 2023년 66.4%에서 2024년 77.5%로 2년새 17%p 가까이 상승한 것이다. 해군사관학교 미응시 비율은 2022년 58.1%, 2023년 60.4%에서 2024년 72.4%로 늘었다. 2022년 48.9%, 2023년 50.5%이
한국어판 Oct. 7, 2024
First lady’s Dior bag scandal to be at center of Assembly audit
The wife of President Yoon Suk Yeol could once again take center stage during the yearly National Assembly audit over high-profile allegations that first surfaced late last year that she received a Dior bag during an encounter with a pastor in late 2022. The Democratic Party of Korea has warned it would make “the Dior bag scandal” and other allegations involving first lady Kim Keon Hee the main theme of its audit efforts. The main opposition floor leader Rep. Park Chan-dae said in a
Politics Oct. 6, 2024
[Exclusive] Korea’s defense acquisition agency fails to meet legal standard for women representation
South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration is falling behind legal standards for gender equality in all of its policy committees, according to agency data seen by The Korea Herald. According to the data submitted to Democratic Party of Korea Rep. Boo Seung-chan’s office, two of the agency’s three committees -- the committees for defense acquisition program promotion and airworthiness certificate review -- had no women in 2023. In the same year, the committee for d
Defense Oct. 6, 2024
[단독] 방사청, 위촉직 여성비율 법정기준 미달 심각...방추위는 3년간 ‘0명’
[코리아헤럴드=김아린 기자] 방위사업청 소관 모든 위원회 구성에서 여성이 차지하는 비율이 아예 없거나 법정 기준에 크게 미달하는 것으로 나타났다. 국방부 장관이 위원장인 방위사업추진위원회는 최근 3년 내내 단 한 명의 여성위원도 위촉하지 않았다. 6일 국회 국방위원회 소속 부승찬 더불어민주당 의원실이 방사청으로부터 제출받은 ‘위원회 성별 참여 현황’ 자료에 따르면, 지난 해 방추위· 방위산업기술부호위원회· 감항인증심의위원회 3곳 모두 위촉직 여성비율이 법정 기준인 40%에 미치지 못했다. 2021년부터 지난 3년간 방추위의 위촉직 6명 중 여성위원은 아무도 없었다. 같은 기간 방위산업기술보호위원회와 감항인증심의위원회의 여성위원 비율은 감소했다. 방위산업기술보호위원회의 경우 2021· 2022년 5명 중 2명으로 40%였던 여성위원 비율이 2023년에는 1명으로 줄어 20%로 하락했다. 감항인증심의위원회도 2021·
한국어판 Oct. 6, 2024
Russian ambassador hopes for improved ties with Seoul
Georgy Zinoviev, the Russian ambassador in Seoul, told South Korean lawmakers on Wednesday that although the relations between the two countries were going through a difficult time, he believed they would improve in the future. “I would like to take this opportunity to say that even though South Korea and Russia are going through a rough patch at this moment, I believe there is still a lot of potential for expanding cooperation and resuming dialogue in the future,” he said, speaking
Politics Oct. 2, 2024