실시간 뉴스
  • ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’ wins bronze award at N.Y. TV Festival
KBS drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” won the bronze award at the New York Festivals’ International TV and Films Awards held in Las Vegas on April 17, KBS officials said on Thursday.

The 2010 drama series, based on the tale of a group of elite students in the late Joseon period, was given the award in the mini-series category of the festival.

The Korean drama starred K-pop star Park Yoo-chun from JYJ, actors Yoo Ah-in and Song Joong-ki and actress Park Min-young.

The New York Festival’s International TV and Films Awards is one of the most prestigious TV and film award shows. In its 55th year, more than 400 TV broadcasters participated this year, including UK’s BBC Worldwide, U.S.’s CBS, Canada’s CBC, Germany’s ZDF, and Japan’s NHK.

In 2010, the state-run broadcaster won the silver award for “Korean Ghost Stories ― The Curse of the Saijin Sword” in the television movie/drama special category. KBS also won the golden award for its entertainment program “Happy Together ― Friends,” in 2008.

By Cho Chung-un (christory@heraldcorp.com)
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