실시간 뉴스
  • Gong, Ha returning in road trip flick
Actress Gong Hyo-jin (left) and actor Ha Jung-woo star in the upcoming film “577 Project.” (Filament Pictures)
Actor Ha Jung-woo and actress Gong Hyo-jin, who together starred in last year’s box office hit “Love Fiction,” will once again co-star in an upcoming road trip film, “577 Project.”

The film is a portrayal of Ha and Gong’s real-life walking trip from Seoul to Haenam, South Jeolla Province, which took them 20 days in total.

Ha had promised to walk cross-country at the 46th Paeksang Arts Awards in 2010, where he won best actor for “Take Off,” if he ever won best actor again. The actor was given the same Paeksang award in 2011 for his role in “The Yellow Sea.”

To keep his word, Ha got other actors and actresses, including Gong Hyo-jin, to join him on the 577 kilometer-long journey. The film will focus on the humorous moments of tension between Ha and Gong as they begin to regret their exhausting journey.

“577 Project” is slated to open in theaters on Aug. 30.

By Claire Lee (dyc@heraldcorp.com)
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