실시간 뉴스
  • ‘Masquerade’ surpasses 10 million viewers
A poster of “Masquerade” which was announced on Saturday to have exceeded 10m audience. (Yonhap news)
The Korean historical film “Masquerade” surpassed the 10 million mark in attendance, the film’s distributor said Saturday.

The film reached 10,000,248 viewers as of 8 p.m. Saturday, according to CJ Entertainment. Only six other local films have so far reached the mark.

“Masquerade,” directed by Choo Chang-min and starring Lee Byung-hun, reached the milestone in 38 days.

It is the second local film to draw more than 10 million fans in 2012 after “The Thieves,” which broke the all-time attendance record earlier this month.

Lee plays dual roles as King Gwanghae, the 15th ruler of Korea’s last kingdom, the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), and the humble acrobat Ha-sun, who stands in for the monarch when he faces the threat of being poisoned.

Gwanghae was dethroned in a coup and failed to earn a temple name. (Yonhap News)
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