실시간 뉴스
  • Defense chief reiterates military readiness for any NK provocation
Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo. (Yonhap)
Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo on Tuesday reiterated that South Korea stands fully prepared for any provocation by North Korea, amid growing speculation concerning Pyongyang’s “new strategic weapon.”

Appearing on a radio channel operated by the ministry, he said the military is taking the situation seriously and is ensuring watertight military readiness for any emergency. “I’d say this with confidence that we are ready for whatever unfolds.”

A week earlier, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un warned that the world would witness a “new strategic weapon” in the near future and vowed to take “shocking actual action,” in protest against the stalled denuclearization talks with the US.

Jeong’s remarks -- his first on the issue since Kim’s message -- came amid speculation that the North may test a weapon of greater significance soon, essentially lifting its self-imposed moratorium on its decadeslong nuclear weapons program.

On Sunday, the parliament’s intelligence committee chief said Pyongyang’s new weapon could be an update of either its submarine-launched ballistic missile or intercontinental ballistic missile, citing intelligence sources.

Pyongyang may “seek to develop an ICBM carrying multiple warheads,” Rep. Lee Eun-jae of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party was quoted as telling reporters. Lee said South Korea’s intelligence had concluded that North Korea would not relinquish its nuclear arsenal in exchange for sanctions relief.

Pyongyang will continue to enhance its nuclear weapons capability and will likely reveal its new weapon if relations with Washington worsen, Lee added.

On the radio program, the defense minister addressed regional security issues as well, saying countries are increasingly seeking their own interests, and that the US will ask its Pacific allies to do more for security in the Indo-Pacific region, which spans from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian subcontinent.

The US is seen as reinforcing alliances in the region to balance an assertive China. 

Jeong said Washington will seek to keep the region “free and open” from Beijing, which he said will continue its military buildup while seeking cooperation with Russia. Japan will side with the US and beef up its military with an eye on revising its pacifist constitution, he added.

By Choi Si-young (siyoungchoi@heraldcorp.com)
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