실시간 뉴스
  • US lawmakers call for avoiding unpaid leave for USFK workers
USFK Commander Gen. Robert Abrams. (USFK)
Two members of the US House of Representatives on Wednesday called on Washington to find a way to avoid putting South Korean civilians, employed by the US military in Korea, on unpaid leave.

On Feb. 28, the US military said it had started notifying nearly 9,000 Korean employees that they could be put on unpaid leave starting April 1, because of Seoul and Washington’s failure to reach consensus on a new Special Measures Agreement over the upkeep of 28,500 US troops here.

In a letter sent Wednesday to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Reps. Amerish Bera and Theodore Yoho said the unpaid leave would affect US military readiness. They said the US should avoid elevating risk amid the coronavirus outbreak and North Korea’s rocket launches this month.

The South had offered the US a side deal to cover the salaries of Korean workers, in case the two allies could not come to an agreement in time. The US rejected the proposal, saying side negotiations would forestall a “reciprocal, comprehensive” Special Measures Agreement.

Vincent Brooks, former commander of the US military in Korea, warned of the ramifications of a prolonged impasse.

“This is about obligation of authority. And trying to play a game of chicken if you will where one side waits to see of any one is going to flinch or move first will be very damaging to the alliance,” he told Voice of America.

Alexander Vershbow, former US ambassador to Korea, shared the concerns, telling VOA, “Both sides are playing hard to get and wanting the other side to make a move. But time is growing short in terms of the furloughs and the potential for this to get worse before it gets better.”

The former US envoy said Washington had chosen the “path of brinkmanship,” and that Seoul was in the “uncomfortable position” of negotiating under pressure, especially ahead of its general elections in April.

By Choi Si-young (siyoungchoi@heraldcorp.com)
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