실시간 뉴스
  • Military partially lifts travel ban as coronavirus fears abate
South Korea’s military said Friday that traveling for off-base on assignments will resume, easing the anti-virus restrictions put in place since Feb. 22, a day after it reported its first infection.

Decisions on overnight stays outside the base and visits at the installation for active-duty troops, still banned, would be announced later, the military said, adding it would gradually lift the ban as risk diminishes.

The relaxing of anti-virus rules was in line with the government’s easing of social distancing guidelines this week that allowed a phased reopening of public facilities, as the country managed to bring the daily infections under greater control at around 10, according to the military.

The military reported a new infection Friday, snapping a streak of zero daily infections recently. All 39 virus patients earlier reported in the military have recovered.

By Choi Si-young (siyoungchoi@heraldcorp.com)
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