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  • Veterans Ministry reveals freedom fighters for 2023
List includes Korean-born US soldier who inspired ‘Mr. Sunshine’
A portrait of Hwang Gi-hwan, a Korean-born US soldier who inspired the hit 2018 TV series “Mr. Sunshine.” (Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs)

The Veterans Ministry on Wednesday revealed 34 independence fighters who led military as well as diplomatic campaigns against Japan during its 1910-45 colonial occupation of Korea -- a list that includes the Korean-born US soldier who inspired “Mr. Sunshine,” a hit drama series that aired on tvN in 2018.

The list -- made public monthly since 1992 to raise awareness of independence efforts -- includes all the freedom fighters to honor for each month of next year, according to the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs.

Hwang Gi-hwan, the US soldier who played the central role in the tvN series as a slave-turned-officer, is known for his work as a diplomat who represented Korea in Paris and London from 1919 to 1921. He helped prevent Koreans displaced overseas from being sent back to Japan, where they would face tougher labor conditions, most likely under the Japanese military.

Hwang, who died of a heart attack in New York in 1923, was awarded a Patriotic Medal in 1995 -- South Korea’s fourth-highest decoration.

“The list we make public today is part of our efforts to make known not only their love for this country, but their noble life,” Veterans Minister Park Min-shik said. “Their works are the very foundation that has made possible the free democracy we live in, the prosperity we pride ourselves on.”

Wednesday’s list brings the total tally of recognized freedom fighters to 429.


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